MeCovers offers every patient increased privacy and comfort and an improved overall experience.

Face-to-face appointments are an incredibly important factor when it comes to a patient’s experience of health care services. But no matter how competent and pleasant the doctor, gynaecologist or midwife is, it is still hard to overcome the feeling of being exposed and vulnerable during certain examinations.

It was this very feeling of vulnerability that prompted MeCovers founder Giselle Olsson to start thinking about a solution. She says:

“There was a period in my life when I had regular gynaecology appointments. The examinations were stressful and made me feel exposed, and they were annoyingly undignified. Why should I – or anyone – just accept being so uncomfortable and completely exposed? And in a situation where the most important consideration ought to be my dignity and sense of security.”

Giselle started to sketch a prototype, thinking that neither she nor any other woman should have to walk naked over to the gynaecology chair, or have to experience being left naked and exposed when there’s a break in the procedure.

The solution was as simple as it was obvious. MeCovers limits exposure before, during and after the examination. When standing, the cover fully conceals the lower body, and in the chair or on the couch the soft flaps can be adjusted to cover the lower regions. MeCovers was developed for gynaecological, urological and urogynaecological examinations, but can be used for all types of medical situations where only a specific part o the body needs to be exposed.


“I knew I wasn’t alone in feeling this way”

Giselle Olsson

How to order

Thanks to a global partnership with Mediplast, MeCovers is available in several countries.

want privacy

Studies into experiences of gynaecological examinations reveal that the majority of patients would appreciate a privacy cover.

Driven entrepreneurs, courageous people who care, and experienced patients.


From the first sketches to the finished design, the aim with MeCovers has always been to create the product we have been missing. Like many other people, we too have had negative experiences from uncomfortable gynaecological examinations and other sensitive care situations.

The main reason we developed MeCovers was to enable women today and in the future to have a different experience to our own. During the process, we realized that MeCovers is very useful in several other medical fields, and is in fact a unisex product. Now all patients can enjoy greater privacy, comfort and dignity in the most sensitive of situations.



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+46 54 141 855


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+46 54 141 855


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+46 54 141 855