MeCovers is now available in Poland, Czech republic and Slovakia

MeCovers AB and Stelo  have in February 2022 signed an agreement for the sale of MeCovers in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

-We believe a lot in the product and the need for it, says Remigiusz Orzeszko, CEO of Stelo. A product that brings a mission of a more equal health care. Stelo has several contacts who are interested in the product and will work hard to get it into our market.

-The need for integrity is shared by patients worldwide. Women everywhere undergo revealing examinations from a young age, so it feels extra important to contribute to making them feel safe as patients.”

The agreement was signed amid the burning Ukraine crisis at the end of February.

-Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are an important market for us, says Karin Vangstad, co-founder of MeCovers AB. We have been in contact with Stelo for a long time as they have been part of our product development, so now it is great that we can take the next step in our collaboration

– Remigiusz Orzeszko has been helping us in production before, but is now also taking the step to a retailer for the area,” says Helena Levin, co-founder of MeCovers. During the strange time only during the pandemic and later during the Ukraine crisis, the value of good relations is very great. Remigiusz Orzeszko and Stelo are one of them.

MeCovers AB was founded in 2019 by Gisele Essé Olsson, Helena Levin and Karin Vangstad with the mission to give all women in the world the opportunity to attend important and regular gynecological examinations while maintaining integrity and dignity. The company’s product MeCovers is designed primarily to fit in the case of revealing and revealing examinations in the gynecological chair but also works in other contexts.

The company has conducted surveys showing that more than 60% of all women feel left out and uncomfortable during gynecological examinations.

The product is currently available in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Germany, Benelux, Italy, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and as of February 2022 also in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Work is ongoing to find more retailers and distributors in more countries.